Sleep Hack
Wake up and go to bed at the same time every day.
“Without enough sleep, we all become tall two-year-olds.”
— JoJo Jensen
Why sleep? Sleep is essential, no question about it.
Every system in your body is enhanced when you sleep well, and every system is compromised when you do not. If there was a medication that offered all the benefits of sleep, we would all be taking it, so allow yourself this freebie and get 7-8 hours a night if able.
Why this specific hack? Our circadian rhythm thrives on consistency, and it becomes more efficient (think needing 7 hours of good sleep instead of 9 hours of poor sleep!) the longer we stick to the same schedule. Have you ever had jetlag? Did it suck? Well, when you change your bedtime and wake time it has the same poor effects on your circadian rhythm as jet lag (lack of concentration, fatigue, headache, indigestion, irritability, and the list goes on). When you change your sleep patterns on weekends it’s like flying to a new time zone each week!
How do I make this happen? Just like you set an alarm for waking up in the morning - set an alarm clock for 30-60 minutes before you go to bed. Start your bedtime routine (journal, shower, brush your teeth, read to the kids, soothing tea, etc.) when the alarm sounds. This hack allows you to avoid distraction by the latest release on Netflix, household to-do’s, checking your work email, being on your phone or drifting away in your favorite novel. Wake up each day at the same time. Yes, I mean it – even on weekends. Over time your body will begin to naturally wake up at the same time. So, no more nasty morning alarms (just a nighttime one!).